
Consultant services on indoor air quality in office buildings, hospitals, schools and homes. Specializing in development of procedures for mould avoidance, remediation, and infection control; evaluation of building systems and the interior environment; commissioning of facilities for a healthy, comfortable and productive environment; workshops and training programs.

  • Former Corporate Manager, Building Air Quality, Public Works and Government Services Canada.
  • Consultant to the federal and provincial governments, corporations, international agencies, and organizations outside Canada.
  • Member of the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) Task Force, which published Standard 82-2004, “Mould Guidelines for the Canadian Construction Industry.”
  • Chairman of the CCA Task Force on Mould Remediation – Training and Certification. Completed the National Accreditation Program for contractors.
  • Lecturer and speaker at universities, government agencies, and associations. Advisor and Session Chairman at National and International Conferences.
  • Author and editor of numerous publications, papers and reports, e.g., Health Canada’s “IAQ in Office Buildings: A Technical Guide,” 1995 (cited in the Canada Labour Code), and Indoor Air Quality Handbook, 2000, McGraw-Hill.
  • Expert witness for the City of Ottawa, Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia.

Representative Activities, Presentations, Papers and Publications:

2006 to present
  • Private consultant, providing IAQ services to national and international clients.

  • Chairman of the Training and Certification Task Force for the Canadian Construction Association, developed a six-hour training module for CCA chapters.
  • Authored the section on quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) for the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) publication, “Remediation, Evaluation, and Control of Indoor Mold”.
  • Speaker at the Canadian Institute’s: “Advanced Forum on Identifying, Managing and Preventing Mould Claims,” Toronto.
  • Presenter at the National Capital Green Building Association, “The Health Building, Indoor Environmental Quality Conference,” Ottawa.
  • Session chair, National Building Envelope Council, “10th Conference on Building Science and Technology,” Ottawa.

  • Conference speaker, Construction Solutions for Mould and Moisture Management in Buildings (Vancouver), the American Waste Management Association (Moncton), Healthy Indoor Partnership (Montreal), International Facility Management Association, (Toronto), and Union of Taxation Employees (Ottawa).
  • Member of steering committee paper reviewer and session chairman, IAQ 2004 ASHRAE/ASHE Conference, “Critical Operations Supporting the Healing Environment Through IAQ Performance Standards,” Tampa, Florida.
  • Reviewer and editor, “Guidelines for the Prevention, Investigation, and Remediation of Mould in Indoor Environments,” Ottawa Catholic School Board.
  • Contributing author, “Fungal Contamination in Public Buildings: Health Effects and Investigative Methods,” Health Canada.
  • Contributing author and editor, “Mould in the Workplace: A Basic Guide,” Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety.
  • Member of the Board of Directors, contributing author and advisor, Healthy Indoor Partnership.

  • Conducted IAQ workshops/training, Ontario Ministry of Labour, Occupational Health and Safety Branch, and the Occupational Hygiene Association of Ontario.
  • International advisor and paper reviewer, Healthy Buildings 2003, Singapore.
  • Contributor author and editor, Indoor Air Quality: Health and Safety Guide,” Canadian Centre of Occupational Safety and Health.
  • Advisor and expert witness, City of Ottawa, Health Protection Division.
  • Author, “A Mould Informational Brochure,” Canadian Construction Association.
  • Co-author, “Performance Criteria of Buildings for Health and Comfort,” International Society of Indoor Air Quality Task Group, Finland.

  • Author of two federal best practice documents: “Remedial Procedures for Water Damage in Buildings” and “Microbial Remediation Guidelines for Buildings.”
  • IAQ consultant, Ontario Reality Corporation, Newmarket Courthouse.
  • IAQ advisor, PCL Constructors Ltd., Toronto.
  • Speaker, Buildex 02 and the Canadian Construction Association, Calgary.
  • Speaker, Becor, EnerCan, and Nortel, Ottawa; and PM Expo 2002, Toronto.
  • Conducted federal government training sessions in Edmonton, Halifax and Ottawa.
  • Wrote foreword, “Accommodating Employees with Environmental Sensitivities,” by Debra Sine, Leslirae Rotor and Elizabeth Hare.
  • Advisor, session co-chair and presenter: “Interpreting Microbial Measurement and Analysis,” “Remedial Procedures for Water damage in Buildings,” and “Filter Performance Guidelines for Good IAQ,” Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey CA.

  • Speaker, IAQ Forum at PM Expo 2001 in Toronto and Ottawa, and Bomex in Ottawa.
  • Conducted eight training sessions across Canada for PWGSC and their clients.
  • Advisor, Transport Canada, Canadian Conservation Institute, National Defense, and Foreign Affairs and International Trade on mould remediation procedures, quality assurance and compliance testing.
  • Speaker, “Fungal Contamination Guidelines: Interpreting the Analysis,” Ontario Building Envelope Council, Eighth Conference on Building Science and Technology, Toronto.

  • Guest lecturer, Municipal Research Institute of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Health, Beijing, China.
  • International Advisor. “Healthy Buildings 2000 Conference,” Helsinki, Finland.
  • Delivered IAQ workshops to Federal Agencies in Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Toronto, Kingston, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Halifax and Fredericton.
  • Delivered paper, “Accommodating the Environmentally Sensitive,” Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Cornwall ON.
  • Reviewed IAQ Software, I –BEAM, for U.S. EPA.
  • Speaker, Carleton University, Civil and Environmental Engineering.
  • Speaker, Immigration and Refugee Board, National Occupational Health and Safety Conference, Ottawa.
  • Author, “Fungal Contamination Guidelines: Interpreting the Results,” Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
  • International advisor; “Indoor Air 2002 Conference,” Monterey CA.

  • International advisor, chairman of technical session, and presenter of three papers, “Indoor Air '99 Conference,” Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • International advisor and reviewer, member of Indoor Environmental Quality subcommittee, “International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol,” U.S. Department of Energy.
  • Author and co-author of two chapters, “Strategies and Methodologies to Investigate Buildings,” and “Prevention and Maintenance Operations,” Indoor Air Quality Handbook, 2000, McGraw-Hill.
  • Workshop presenter, National Duct Cleaners Association, Toronto.
  • Consultant to the four Ottawa-Carleton area school boards.
  • Advisor, Ottawa-Carleton Medical Officer of Health.
  • Expert witness, Quebec Court.

  • Workshop chairman, Regional Solutions in Continental Warm Summer Climates, Healthy Buildings/IAQ'97, Washington DC.
  • Presenter, “Management of IAQ in Canadian Federal Buildings,” AIHA Conference, Dallas TX.
  • Speaker, Ontario Association of School Business Officials Health and Safety Committee.
  • Speaker, De la prevention à la decontamination microbienne dans les batiments, Montréal.
  • Published article and case study, “IAQ Related HVAC Amendments in Canada,” Environment Professional, Madison WI.
  • Speaker, “ASHRAE 62-1989R, Ventilation for Acceptable IAQ,” Indoor Environment’97, PM Expo, Toronto.
  • Presenter: “Steps for Carrying Out an Effective IAQ Investigation,” Treasury Board Secretariat Workshop, Cornwall ON.
  • Keynote address, IAQ Seminar, School of Architecture, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Block Course, Massey University, New Zealand (three days)
  • Delivered course, “IAQ Management”, University of Sydney, Australia (two days).
  • Seminar, “IAQ Current Trends and New Developments,” Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Article, “Making Healthy Hospitals,” Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning Magazine, Sept/Oct. 1997.
  • Workshop presenter, Canadian Hospital Engineering Society, Toronto.
  • Speaker, “IAQ and PWGSC iniatives” U.S. Government Services Administration.
  • Published technical note, “An Assessment of Ozone Generators.”
  • Published technical note, “IAQ - Preventive Maintenance Guidelines for HVAC System Components.”
  • Published report, “Humidification Systems: Cost/Benefit Analysis.”

  • Conducted IAQ Workshop, University of Sydney (three days).
  • Speaker, Australian Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning and Heating Society, Adelaide.
  • Speaker, “IAQ: Concrete Guidelines and Effective Solutions,” Ottawa Business Show.
  • Speaker, Assainissement des Bâtiments, Montreal.
  • Workshop Chairman: Design of Healthy Buildings; Poster/paper: “Microbials and HVAC System O&M in Office Buildings,” IA 96 Conference, Nagoya, Japan,.
  • IAQ Symposium presenter, “IAQ and HVAC,” Tsinghua University, Beijing.
  • NATO Pilot Study on IAQ, Sicily, papers published.
  • Conducted workshop, DND, Chilliwack, BC (three days).
  • Conducted workshops, PWGSC Building Operators/Managers, Victoria and Vancouver, BC (one day).
  • Speaker, Allergy and Environmental Health Association.
  • Presented paper: “Managing IAQ”, Building Owners and Managers Association, Toronto.
  • Presented paper: “What Standards Should we Follow? Guidelines for Occupant Safety, Health and Comfort,” PM Expo '96, Toronto.

  • Conducted IAQ workshops for The Ontario College of Family Physicians Convention, Toronto.
  • Conducted six workshops throughout Canada, PWGSC Building Managers and Engineering support staff.
  • IAQ presenter, Property Management Society, Ottawa.
  • Speaker, Risk and Insurance Management Society, Ottawa.
  • Speaker, ASHRAE Seminar, Ottawa.
  • Wrote report for PWGSC: “Commissioning for Acceptable IAQ Humidification Systems: Function, Operation and Maintenance.”
  • Guest lecturer, Algonquin College, Ottawa.
  • Speaker, CMHC Energy Week.
  • Speaker, Transport Canada Facility Managers.
  • Conducted IAQ workshop, Canada Employment and Inspection Union, Toronto.
  • Chair, Task Force VI, “Guidelines for the Design of Healthy Building Environments,” International Society for Indoor Air Quality and Climate.

  • Task Force Chairman, “Guidelines for Conducting IAQ Investigations,” ISIAQ IAQ Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.
  • Session Co-Chairman, Healthy Buildings '94, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Presenter: “Microbial Contamination in Buildings, Measurement and Guidelines,” American Industrial Hygiene Association, San Francisco, California.
  • Presenter: “Test kit for IAQ Assessment,” American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), Ottawa Chapter.
  • Conducted IAQ workshops; University of Toronto, Public Service Alliance of Canada, Bell-Northern Research, Ontario Management Board Secretariat, Department of National Defense, Ottawa and Chilliwack.

  • Presented three papers, 6th International Conference on IAQ and Climate, Indoor Air '93, Helsinki, Finland: “HVAC System Operations and Maintenance for Good IAQ,” “Investigation of IAQ in Office Buildings,” and “Microbial Contamination, Measurement and Remedial Action in Large Buildings.”
  • Wrote “Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings: A Technical Guide,” Health Canada, Report of the Federal-Provincial Advisory Committee on Environmental and Occupational Health (Revised in 1995).
  • Article, “When Drain Pans Don't Drain,” Environment Newsletter, Landis & Gyr, Illinois.
  • Article, “Humidifiers Cause Microbial Contamination in Office Building,” February Indoor Air Quality Update, Massachusetts.
  • Conducted Federal Government Mechanical Engineering Workshop: “Legal Aspects of IAQ,” Ottawa.
  • Presenter: “IAQ in Commercial Buildings,” Building Envelope Council, Ottawa.
  • Presenter: “IAQ R&D,” National Housing Research Committee, Ottawa.
  • Wrote PWGSC Technical Note: “Microbial Analysis in Office Buildings.”
  • Presented IAQ seminar, Mechanical and Energy Management Workshop, Transport Canada, St. John's NL.
  • Developed and presented IAQ seminars for the Technical University of Nova Scotia, in Montreal and Winnipeg.
  • Conducted IAQ workshop, Federal Interdepartmental Facility Management Association, Ottawa.
  • Conducted workshop, “IAQ and Building Maintenance,” for the Province of PEI, Charlottetown and Summerside, (three days)
  • Presented paper at an IAQ workshop, University of Toronto.
  • Developed and presented a one-day IAQ workshop, Public Service Alliance of Canada, Health and Safety Conference, Toronto.

  • Presenter, “The Canadian Experience,” 9th World Clean Air Congress, Montreal.
  • Presenter: “IAQ and the Productive Work Environment,” 5th Intentional Jacques Carter Conference, Montreal.
  • Presenter: “Air Quality Standards vs. Energy Savings,” Federal Provincial meeting of Deputy Ministers of Public Works, Ottawa.
  • Presenter: “Solving IAQ Problems,” Ontario Building Envelope Council, Toronto.
  • Presenter: “Microbial Measurement in Canadian Office Buildings,” Environmental Protection Agency / NATO, Chapel Hill NC.
  • Wrote “IAQ Assessment Strategy” for PWGSC.
  • Developed and delivered IAQ seminars for the Technical University of Nova Scotia in Toronto, Halifax, and Montreal.
  • Wrote “Comprehensive IAQ Survey in Canadian Office Buildings,” Indoor Air Quality Update, Massachusetts.
  • Conducted IAQ Workshop, Association of Professional Engineers of New Brunswick, Fredericton.
  • Conducted IAQ Workshop, International Facility Management Association, Toronto.

  • Key-Note Speaker, Engineering Week, Queensland, Australia.
  • Secretary to the Federal-Provincial Working Group on IAQ in the Office Environment, Health Canada.
  • Presenter: “IAQ and the Productive Work Environment,” Bureau of Real Property Management Conference, Ottawa.
  • Presenter: “System Maintenance for Good IAQ,” PWC Building Operators, Ontario
  • Conducted IAQ workshop, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa.
  • Conducted IAQ workshop: “IAQ Policy Issues in Canada,” PWC Chief Mechanical Engineers, Ottawa.
  • Conducted IAQ workshops for Taxation Canada, Ottawa; Ontario Association of Architects, Toronto; Ontario Hydro, Pickering; Carleton University, Ottawa.

  • Board of Directors, Organizing Committee, and session chairman and presenter: “IAQ Building Studies,” “Building Investigations: An Assessment Strategy,” and “Water Treatment of Humidification Systems,”, 5th Intentional Conference on IAQ and Climate, Indoor Air’90, Toronto.
  • Speaker, “Pollution of the Workplace Environment,” The Environment and the Church, Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen, Ottawa.
  • Seminar: “Problems of Not Treating Air Handling Units,” Bird Archer Inc.
  • Conducted technical session on IAQ, American Industrial Hygiene Association, Atlantic Provinces Section, Moncton NB
  • Conducted IAQ workshop, Indian and Northern Affairs, Ontario Region, Niagara Falls.
  • Conducted four Occupational Health and Safety workshops, National Defense, Ottawa.

  • Presenter: “Indoor Air Quality and Sick Buildings,” City of Calgary and Province of Alberta.
  • Presenter: “Studies of Fungi in Indoor Air of Large Buildings,” Conference on Airborne Deteriogens and Pathogens, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh U.K.
  • Presenter: “IAQ Standards and Guidelines,” NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society, Saint Michaels MD.
  • Wrote “Indoor Air Quality Test Kit, Users Manual” for PWC.

Academic Background
B.Eng. Mech. 1969, Sir George Williams University, Montreal

Professional Affiliations
Professional Engineers of Ontario, Certificate of Authorization. Founding member of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Past member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers and of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.