Tedd Nathanson, P. Eng, the principal of IAQ Consultant, has been providing indoor air quality consulting services to the public and private sector, nationally and internationally, since 1985.

Establishing and managing the IAQ Section within Public Works and Government Services Canada, Mr. Nathanson has investigated hundreds of buildings throughout Canada. He developed the IAQ Assessment and IAQ Audit standard protocol that is cited in the Canada Labour Code, Part ll, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.

Tedd Nathanson served as the Secretary of the Federal Provincial Working Group on Indoor Air Quality, and authored Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings: A Technical Guide, Health Canada, 1993, revised 1995. This clearly written and pragmatic guide went through two publications of 20,000 copies and is available on the internet today. The indoor pollutant exposure values for ‘comfort’ and the mould exposure criteria, are still in use today. Mr. Nathanson also assisted the Governments of China, Hong Kong, and Australia in the publication of IAQ Assessment procedures.

Mr. Nathanson’s current clients include government agencies, environmental consultant companies, school boards, hospitals, commercial building owners, law firms, unions, associations, and construction companies.

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